Saturday, May 12, 2012

Feel Young Again

In this commercial the company Centrum Silver uses strip poker to appeal to their older audience with the line, "Feel Young Again." The commercial is definitely using sex appeal to reach the viewer but one interesting thing about the commercial might be that it was not able to be aired on television.


  1. This racy commercial plays off the idea that older people long to be young again. The commercial takes this typically depressing idea of desiring the past and places it in a humorous, fun-loving light. At first, the target audience, elderly people, may be turned off by the inappropriate nature of the ad, thinking that it's just another reckless, young person commercial. But, later the elderly may feel a sense of reminiscence, realizing that the commercial is actually for their age group. Thinking back to their youth, remembering how they felt, how much fun they had, and everything else that encompasses the past, they will long for that feeling again. The commercial then reminds the viewers that taking a vitamin, such as Centrum Silver, they will be able to feel as great as they did in their youth. The elderly viewer may be motivated by this, or become sad because they know taking a vitamin will not make them feel the 20-something invincibility they once felt. Centrum takes a risk in fostering such nostalgia, where the viewer could become excited about improving their health or just feel hopeless.

  2. This commercial for Centrum Silver starts off with people playing strip poker. Because of this, the commercial will first catch the attention of younger people. Then as the commercial progresses, the young people change into old people. This would attract the attention of the older people. Because the commercial attracts the attention of this age group, these people see that they have the chance to feel young again by taking a vitamin. I think that by attracting the attention of the younger age group, they can also get these people to take these vitamins because they always want to feel young and never grow old. I think it is odd that the commercial doesn't say anything about their product until the end, and it still doesn't say much then either. This commercial would grab the attention of its viewers, but I think that it needs something else to make if more effective.

  3. The Centrum Silver commercial is obviously trying to appeal to an older age group, but what shocks me is that their target audience may not approve of the sexual poker game. Typically older people are more conservative, have kids, and not as interested in TV ads with sexual connotations. Also, the people who might need to take Centrum Silver, may have children who are the same age as the people playing strip poker. This may lead to a bad connection of their children playing strip poker rather than the older person reminiscing about the their past. This connection may be made because the audience does not know what the ad is for until the commercial is almost over, leading them to believe that the commercial is actually for a younger audience. I think that if the commercial immediately identified their audience and then went into some kind of dream sequence, then it might have a better change of connecting to their target audience.

  4. Similar to my source I used for my ARP, this commercial uses sex appeal to catch the viewer’s attention. The product itself is not appealing to most people; however, film techniques such as the lighting and music may spark the viewer’s interest and encourage them to keep watching to see what this commercial is for. The song “Hot in Here,” by Nelly is playing in the background, which adds to the whole provocative mood. The creator knows that if they started the commercial with older people, not nearly as many people would care to keep watching. In our society today, it seems that many products have to be glammed up for audiences to continue paying attention. This creates a bad reflection on the character of viewers. In addition, usually just women are in commercials with skimpy clothes trying to promote a product, but this one uses men in it as well, which appeals to a larger audience.

  5. I admit that when I saw the sexy girl became the old woman, I explored into loud laughter. The strip poker can recall their young, to make them feel young. This is the major function of Centrum Silver. On the other hand, when the advertisement started, there are two hot girls on the screen, it can attract many viewer because as usual, people do not watch the advertisement they always change another channel. At first this advertisement attracted is not the target audience—old people because men are so excited with the hot girls, but after watching the whole advertisement, young men will feel disappointed. It is hard to attract the old men and women, the advertisement is so funny but cannot attract the target audience.

  6. I like the fact that this commercial can grab the attention of all audiences. I don't mean to be crude but it immediately grabs the attention of young people, obviously. Centrum Silver is a product that can be used by all people so why would they need to focus directly on seniors? I feel like that is what they are doing without coming right out and saying it. The more people they can appeal to with one commercial the better and with or with out the line at the end, they would reach out to a young audience. They are simply improving their own stock by also reaching out to seniors.

  7. As mentioned, this advertisement initially captures the viewer’s interest using sex appeal and humor. What I find interesting is that Centrum Silver is a multivitamin for people over 50; therefore, this advertisement may interest the younger audience, but ultimately the commercial attempts to persuade the older viewer. At the end of the advertisement Centrum Silver promises, “feel young again”. Again, meaning something that has already happened in the past, but simply reliving it. What if the older-than-fifty viewer never experienced exciting young years playing strip poker? Centrum Silver is sending the message that it isn’t too late. They imply that with the use of their product you can feel young again and create enticing events that may have never happened in the first place.

  8. First, the most impressive element in this commercial is not sex, but the background music. The ad uses the auditory sense to make audience especially the old to feel young again. The rhythm just make people feel dynamic and want to dance. Of course it will remind the old of the youth, happiness and energy they ever possess. Second, I notice that this scene may set up in a dorm or a young people’s apartment, with beautiful and curvaceous women as well as strong and handsome man. Then suddenly, the scene is shifting to an old people’s home. And a angry guy urges them go to bed. This might attract the old to buy the Centrum Silver simply because they don’t want the good feel disappear. They may want the product to bring them back to energetic and confident by maintaining the memory back as well as the attractive body.

  9. This commercial was hysterical. I found it very interesting that the commercial initially tried to appeal to a younger demographic even though Centrum is a vitamin for people over 50. One strategy the creator might be trying to use is selling their product for the long term. Centrum is a well-known vitamin for older people, but not as much for people that are younger. By appealing to younger people now they may remember Centrum for the future. It is advertisements like this that keep a product on the market for the long term. The creator of this video is not looking to make a quick buck now, but rather make gobs of money in the future when the young group of people who this ad appeals to now grows up and gets old.

  10. I think it's interesting that this ad was banned from t.v. I don't see anything that is extremely controversial. The only thing that i can think of is that viewers might be offended by the fact that the old people are barely clothed. Obviously it's more disturbing when old people are barely clothed then when young people are. I don't see why the commercial should be banned for grossness though.

  11. I find it interesting that they choose to use this sort of humorous advertising, considering a lot of the centrum silver commercial are pretty plain. Most of them have older people talking about how centrum silver helps them while also talking about the product itself. I think, would it have been aired, this ad would have been very effective. The young humor that it employs, is a refreshing change from the seemingly "old" commercials centrum silver usually has. I think this will appeal especially to the older crowd. The reason being is i think people will appreciate the humor because it sort of distracts from having to think of the arduous, boring act of taking multivitamins everyday, and becoming older. It makes centrum silver seem more vibrant as a product, as well as saying centrum silver will make you feel more young and vibrant.

  12. This commercial does an amazing job in combining multiple elements to appeal to the audience. The background music, character’s appearance and actions, all help in the commercial’s appeal to the audience. An interesting aspect as well, is the time allotted for the buildup to the comedy portion of the commercial. The entire commercial is mostly allotted for the buildup while the comedy portion is just the last few seconds. During the buildup the audience is not quite sure what the end meaning of the commercial is going to be, by the end the meaning does not come across clearly to the audience, instead it’s the comedy.

  13. The commercial was very funny and interesting. The funny part was obviously when the man came in to the senior room and the view realized that the “young people” were actually old. The interesting thing was the whole phrase feel young again. I believe that the product is doing this because old people especially in modern times are doing certain activities to feel young whether it is exercising or going on the beach. I believe that the product is saying that Centrum Silver will actually help you do these actions and maybe actions a little bit more. I also thought it was funny how they banned the commercial, I have seen commercials much more explicit for every day products, maybe it was offensive to older people.

  14. The four beautiful and sexy young women and guys might be the most conspicuous things in this ad. The light is turned off and they played cards under a mystery and illusioned atmosphere. Firstly, I really have no idea about the relationship between card game and Centrum Silver. After the light is turned on suddenly by an administrator (seems like), I was still annoyed about interrupting the game, but I also suddenly realized the idea of the ad after the lens turns back to the table and all those four young become old. The light is turned on, which alludes that a dream wakes up. It is like the Centrum Silver makes people young again just like a dream. Using Silver, you will forget your age and enjoy your life just like a young man.

  15. This commercial uses the idea "We can make you young again!" No one wants to get older and here is a product that can help. This is extremely relevant in a society such as ours where everyone is suppose to look perfect and plastic surgery and makeup are rampant. There is an aging population of baby boomers that this ad is feeding to. It also manages to appeal to younger people- "take vitamins! you'll feel young forever!" I also think it is interesting how many of the commercials we have seen fail to mention the product until the last few seconds. Perhaps this is so it feels more like entertainment, which makes people more inclined to watch it.

  16. This commercial seems to poke fun at the elderly population. The commercial starts off by showcasing a group of attractive young males and females playing what seems to be strip poker. As the light was turned on, it was revealed that all of this was just a fantasy that can be achieved by taking Centrum Silver. The commercial seems to make an interesting claim. First of all, it seems to assume that all elderly individuals are interested in going back to their so-called 'prime years' in order to relive their past years. However, I also noticed how the light acts as the catalyst in revealing the actual age of the individuals in the ad. If anything, the light may play a crucial role in acting as 'reality', while the darkness in the commercial plays the 'paradise' that results from Centrum.
