Saturday, May 5, 2012

Presidential Reunion

This clip uses comedy to demonstrate a conversation the past and present presidents might have. The comedians make simple decisions seem extremely difficult, as well as making the point that to make the correct decision all these presidents have to work together to do the right thing.


  1. In the video Barack Obama has a nightmare about receiving a visit from ex-Presidents. Each character is played by a famous actor who is known to be funny. They give pointers about corrupt banks and credit card companies. Right now Obama is currently campaigning to be re-elected and matters such as this are big topics. The video not only jabs at Obama but at the old presidents as well. It makes Obama seem like he really doesn’t know what he is doing. The past presidents all offer their opinion on the situation. This leads us to feel like presidents do what they want not really considering what is best for America. Each past president gives off a conceited image as if their way of presidency was and still is the best. When Obama tries to tie it all together they tell him “Tag you are it”. When Bush Sr. pronounces Barack’s name wrong it hints that presidents might often have a lack of concern after their term is over- they have done their part and can now rest. At the same time it also gives viewers a feel that no one person alone can handle these big problems. This is when the ad then reminds us at the end that we have a freedom of speech. We might not always be using this privilege to its full capacity. The ad also hints that senators don’t want to be forced to do their job. Everyone would rather sit back and let someone else do the work. The video is meant to be funny hence why it is on the funny or die website. It plays on Clinton’s affairs and makes George Bush look unintelligent. It brings a light-hearted feeling towards the problems America is facing today. I feel like this video kind of plays on how people feel about politics right now- like they are a joke.

  2. An important point of this clip can be summed up with the line, "But as George Washington once said to John Adams, 'Tag you're it!'". This skit uses comedy and well-know actors to make funny of different presidencies. In a nightmare, former presidents give their advice to President Obama about many pressing issues that he is facing. The lasting message of the clip seems to be that there have always and will always be serious issues that the President has to deal with. However, these issues have been around for many years, almost as if they have been passed down from president to president. I also find it interesting that at the end of the clip President Obama wakes up from the nightmare and exclaims in a panic that he must wake up the Cabinet members because they have lots of work to do. This could be interpreted as Obama's attempt to truly solve these on going issues and make a positive mark on America.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The "Tag your it" line really stuck out to me because I feel that is exactly how our democracy is run. Once a president has run their term the next one in line just has to pick up the pieces and run with it but at the same time they are held accountable for the previous decisions made. Obama got a shattered country to deal with and people blame him for not being able to make our previous presidents errors just disappear. Perhaps hinting at the bigger issue in the clip that we should learn from our mistakes. That the reason for History being written is so that individuals know what not to do. Another element the video has is playing at a much bigger audience with the statement "Live from..." because the entire time I was watching the video I felt like I was watching a SNL skit. I'm sure that many others felt the same way too which plays at the grand audience that comes with the feel of watching SNL. The video continually reinforced the most common jabs that Obama's opponents make. Such as Michelle wearing the pants and actually running the White House by her constantly checking up on him and the way she cradles him like an infant. They also played on the race issue with the comment that he would change the anthem to a Jay-Z hit.

  5. In my response, I would like to focus on the role of Michelle Obama, played by Maya Rudolph. The parody begins by showing Michelle sitting in bed, reading an Oprah magazine and "lifting weights". Her hair is still made up, and with a change of clothes, she is looking presentable enough to give a speech. This suggests that even in the midst of all these issues, the first lady is still calm and collected, showing no signs of stress. After simply telling the President of the United States that "it will be alright", she then lazily nags her husband, asking if he is smoking cigarettes in the bathroom, when the obvious answer is yes. Her husband smoking may not be an actual concern of hers, just a thing that she should say, being his wife. Throughout the short intro, she offers no real advice on what to do, just reassuring her husband to go to sleep and that his "heart" will tell him what to do. With these comforting lines lacking real suggestions on how to fix America's issues at hand, the creators of this video suggest that the first lady doesn't worry about the problems America has as much as her husband does. Instead, the video is implies that the First Lady plays no role in politics other than moral support for the President, all while enjoying the luxuries of the White House.

  6. The clip expresses that although ex-presidents’ advice is just like nightmare which makes Obama in panic; actually it is pretty helpful for presidents to do the right thing. In the beginning, Obama is complaining to Michelle that he is worrying about the card company ripping off people without regulations, and he want to establish consumer protection to protect families. Then a bunch of ex-presidents come and try to give Obama their advice. When Obama suddenly wakes up from the nightmare, he told Michelle to make coffee for him so that he can work out the night. This demonstrates that everyone’s speech is free no matter who you are. And maybe your speech will change how the president works or cover what president does not think of. Because managing a country is not a single-person work, it is like the situation in clip where a strong team is behind the president. President represents everyone and he is only the one who executes what people want him to do rather than a mere decision maker. This clip also reminds those people who have complaints about president but actually stay away from politics. They are actually waiting for president’s action. However, they feel president incapable when the decision executes. Therefore, the clip also tries to say that people should understand president and should actively evolved in politics.

  7. I found this video very funny and interesting because of the many elements that were incorporated in the video. Some of these elements were when the actors spoke about their problems when in Presidency. Such as when George W Bush, “Will Ferrell” spoke about his interest rates on his credit card, representing the over spending for the Iraq War using taxpayer money during his presidency; or when Bill Clinton sexually speaks about Michelle Obama, representing his own sex scandal. This shows that everyone makes mistakes, so the president isn’t perfect. I also found it interesting when George W Bush and his father were arguing about the amount of terms served. Then Bush’s father talks about how his son’s second term was terrible. This argument between the father and son show that the president only cares about laws/polices that benefit him in getting reelected. And that the president does not care about his second term since he cannot be reelected. This also connects to the line, "But as George Washington once said to John Adams, 'Tag you're it!' This is saying that the president does not really care after he is done with office and that it is for the next president to solve the problems there are. Lastly this quote also shows that all the problems in the US can never be solved because new problems always arise.

  8. In my opinion, the most interesting part of this political advertisement is the creator of the advertisement found a group of people who looks like the Michelle Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Cliton and John F. Kennedy etc. First the creator successfully attracted the attention of audiences because the creator put this guys on the advertisement then the audience will fill funny about them. On the other hand, these famous people continually gave many advices to president Obama which means when a person become president, he/she will disturb by many words and many people, it use the advertisement to imply president Obama is dealing many situation in dilemma. At the end of the advertisement, Obama decided to work harder and be more diligent in his work.

  9. This video clip uses comedic figures as a way to pick out the issues of the past and present parts of the government. Obama goes to sleep and starts to have his nightmare with all of the previous president, which means yes he has been thinking about how they got him into the situation he's in now, but it also stabs right back at Obama for worrying too much about what's been done in the past. It's important to learn from the past, but it's just as important not to live in it. Obama is obsessing over what's been done, and it's necessary that he wakes up to move forward and get away from the trap that's so easy to fall back into. Election time is just around the corner so it's necessary to show Obama as super concerned with the decisions he's making, but it also points out that very flaw. When it comes time for re-election decisions for the country become hard for a president to make because they're trying to please as many people as possible, which is what leads to the chain of presidents who are seen as not so good.

  10. An interesting point of this clip is that comedy relies on the audience having knowledge of political figures and events in United States history. The audience must have understanding of past presidents and political issues that coincide with each of their terms. They must recognize the resemblance of each actor with a president or famous political figure in order to understand the irony and satire that the clip is attempting to get across. Without knowledge of United States’ political history, the audience would be confused with the goal of the “Funny or Die” clip.

  11. The thing I found most interesting about this video was that it didn’t take the democratic or republican side. Instead of slandering one to put the other on top they slandered them both. The made fun of JFK, Clinton, and Jimmy Carter all democrats and also the Bush’s who were republicans. I find this interesting because almost everyone leans one way or another, but the creator of the script was able to steer clear of bias. Instead, they focused on the flaws of the individual rather than the flaws of the party. I also found it interesting that they cast such big names for an internet skit. You’d figure all these big name comedians would be off doing big movies. I think this shows that all of these actors care less about the money that they will make and more about making people laugh.

  12. There are many interesting ideas in this video that could lead to multiple interpretations. I think it is interesting how the video brings in some of the previous presidents to make fun of them. The video doesn't point out anything good that they did for the country. The old presidents tell Obama about the "tag you're it" line, and it seems like they are telling him that he has to try and fix all of the mistakes the other people made. In reality it is most likely impossible for Obama to fix everything, so now America hates Obama because they think that he created the problems that stand today. At the end of the video clip, it says that senators don't want to do anything anyway. This is a political stereotype that many Americans have today that may or may not be true. I think that it is interesting that someone even came up with this idea of how to make fun of the political people that have stood out in our country's history.

  13. It is interesting to note that a majority of the presidents make comments about how things were different in there times, yet offer the same advice they would have in their time. A very common theme in this video is that the presidents are very critical of each other and other presidents terms. They all seem to be apathetic even while attempting to give advice. This also gives the notion of the survive a term and pass the problems on to the next person. The way the presidents are joking with each other or just seem clueless also solidifies this notion.

  14. I found this interesting because it makes fun of the past and current presidents. It is intended to create humor for the audience, in other words we, the audience, are laughing at the leaders of our country. I like the above comment about making fun of both democrats and republicans because it's making fun of both aspects of our political nation. It just shows how our nation isn't taking our politics as serious as we should be and this ad is a good wake up call to the viewers.

  15. It is amazing that many die’s presidents show up from different corners of the Obama’s bedroom in different clothes. Such as Jimmy Carrey rushes from the French window with a case just like a repairman and another one walks out of the bathroom and brushes his teeth at the same time. They behave as relaxed as in their own house, but the White House was actually their house—just in different time. Before black Obama went to sleep, he talked about the problem about the banks of card companies with his wife and he tried to make a consumer emergence to help families. After sleeping, these presidents all show up to help Obama about the problem. Although this situation cannot happen in the real world but only in dream, it may just what Obama wanted all the time. In his dream, every president seems a sort of strange, but actually all puts forward useful suggestions. This clip tries to show the life of the presidents, tries to show how hard they are to worry about the country. Thus, at the end of the clip, it encourages the public to care about the social issue because it is the duty of everyone.

  16. The "tag you're it line" is important because it implies that the problems facing this facing this country are passed down from president to president. This is ironic because the previous presidents are there to offer him advice to fix the problems they created. This video uses lots of humor to make fun of the entire political system. It doesn't just focus on republicans or democrats... it does both. They also use famous actors to reinforce the idea that the government is a joke and doesn't really get anything done. At the end of the video it even mentons that senators don't want to do their jobs.
